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replace existing fossil fuels without emitting pollutants


Sep 17, 2022

Amid high interest in hydrogen, an energy source that can replace existing fossil fuels without emitting pollutants such as carbon dioxide, the main culprit of air pollution, it is expected that the patent for “vehicle fuel cell hydrogen supply device” applied to the Korean Intellectual Property Office will be officially registered and used in various fields related to hydrogen energy.

HydroWorld Co., Ltd., which has studied hydrogen energy for many years, and COLive Cell Co., Ltd., which is represented by Ha Jong-sim, chairman of the National Assembly’s Trade, Industry, and Energy Small and Medium Venture Business Committee, joined forces with KOENCO Korea Co., Ltd., which leads the fourth industry, including cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Coenco Korea Co., Ltd. (Chairman Jeon Hyun-pung, CEO Lee Yong-il), which signed MOA with the hydrogen energy sector, is a financial company that provides the best service to customers through the CNC Coin Exchange, along with the establishment of a universal platform for virtual currency transactions.

Through MOA, the two companies decided to focus on the field of “vehicle fuel cell hydrogen supply.” HydroWorld Co., Ltd., Co., Ltd. and Korive Cell Co., Ltd. have reduced the production of byproducts by directly electrolyzing water and reducing the safety and cost of transportation.

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